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Transitioning From Relaxed Hair to Natural Hair + Two Ways to Do This

There are only two ways you can go from relaxed to natural hair:  Slowly Transition or The Big Chop. Which one you choose is entirely up to you. There is no right way or wrong way to begin this process.  It doesn't matter which way you choose, as long as you get your desired results of a head full of natural hair in the end. 

Transitioning: This is the process of eliminating chemical treatments and allowing the hair to grow out while gradually trimming the chemically processed ends.  Most people generally trim their relaxed ends as their natural hair grows; this also helps to keep breakage of your natural hair down a present a more healthy appearance.

If you are not comfortable with short hair while transitioning your natural hair, you can have some individual braids added to your natural hair.  As long as you keep your scalp moisturized and your hair conditioned, you can avoid that awkward adjustment between short hair while your hair grows to a more comfortable length.

There are some cons to transitioning from relaxed to natural: The texture of your hair will not be consistent: which means if you decide to wear your hair in a twist out or braid out style the root of your hair might be curly while your ends will be bone straight.  There are a couple of things you can do here.  You can add the extensions as I have suggested above, or you can simply roll the ends of your hair with rods or rollers to curl the straight ends.

The process of transitioning takes longer than if you just did “the big chop" so be patient and do what is healthy for your hair, and what you feel comfortable doing. 

If you would like to have some individual braids, faux locs or twists installed while you are going through your transition, be sure to give Mosci a call at 619.642.9382. 

The First Black Female Millionaire Madam C.J. Walker Sold What You Make + Get Busy Producing

If you know anything about history, you know that one of the first Black female millionaires in America was Madam C.J. Walker. Walker became wealthy from creating a line of Black hair care products.  She truly saw something that no one else did during her time.

The truth is, since Walker generated her fortune, Black women have been spending hundreds of millions of dollars on hair care products and hair extensions to the extreme.  With no end to spending in sight. 

It seems as though we have either given, or lost control of the Black hair care industry.  We spend the most money, but own few to no hair care lines or hair supply stores.  Hopefully, people will become more aware of this truth and things will change with Black hair care products.

I brought this up because there are many of you that create and use your own hair products.  Products that truly promote hair growth, and healthy hair.  But for some reason you won't produce it in mass amounts then market and sell it.  Do you know how many Black people need your hair care products?   Get busy producing and marketing those hair care products in mass amounts to sell to an already receptive market. 

If you haven't tried "Mosci" a light weight hair pomade that gives a super shine while promoting healthy hair by Styles With Personality, be sure to contact us for a jar at 619.642.9382.  

Three Tips For A Natural Looking Weave

Okay ladies, let's talk about how to achieve a natural look with a sew in weave.

A BAD WEAVE will be a reality for you, or someone you know at some point in your life.  It goes something like this..... you have a friend, or family member that has in a weave.  And she is wearing it like it is a $2000 hairdo.  But, you can see that something is really wrong with the weave.  It might be that the hair is not blended well, the color or texture is completely wrong, or it just doesn't look good on her.  Of course, you don't want to hurt her feelings so you don't say anything. 

Here are some tips on how to achieve a natural look while wearing a weave:

1) Try to match the hair to YOUR hair and hair color the best you can.  If you do not have BONE STRAIGHT HAIR, please, please don't spend your money on hair that doesn't match yours. You want your weave to look as natural as possible. If you want to go lighter, you can always color your hair to achieve this look by using a temporary or permanent dye. If you’re going to spend your money on hair, be sure to purchase top quality hair, you will more than likely get the look that you are going for.  You buy cheap, you get a cheap look.

2) Blend, Blend and keep Blending the hair together. If you get a full weave and you leave out some of your hair for a more natural look, there are a few ways to style it so that it will blend with the hair weaved in. Be sure to purchase a good curling iron or flat iron. Make sure you curl or flat iron the hair so it blends easier.

3) Take care of your weave the same way you would with your natural hair, and it will last much longer.  Make sure you comb it out before washing it and avoid using alcohol and harsh products that can dry the hair out.  Always condition the hair.  If you don't mind making the investment, go back to the salon to have your stylist wash, condition and style your weave. This way you know it will be done correctly.

Be sure to take care of the hair, it will last longer and look more natural.

10 Tips For Making a Visit to the Salon a Smooth Activity For Your Child + the Beautician

It is a beautiful thing to see your baby girl with some beautiful braids in her hair.  Mothers, do you agree?

Let me share something with you.  There is a world-wide head-ache that sometimes happens when a little girl has to sit down in a beautician's chair to get her hair braided.  Of course, the little girl is never happy to be participating in said ritual. So she lets her displeasure show by whining, moving around and needing to go back and forth to the bathroom. 

MOTHERS!! we are only their beauticians.  We are not their disciplinarians.  With your help to keep your child seated in the chair and holding her head in positions that we need them too, this will speed up the process to get her on her way back to living the life of a child! And us on our way to our next client. 

Ten Ways You Can Help Your Child's Beautician

1. Have a conversation with your child about what to expect when getting her hair braided.
2. Share with her the rules to getting her hair done.
3. Let her know that there should be no crying.
4. Show her videos on Youtube that exhibit what will be done to her hair.
5. Show her a before and after picture of her hair and then ask her which hairstyle she wants.
6. Rehearse with her a hair braiding session so she can get an idea for how she will need to sit.
7. Explain to her how important it is for her to do what the hairstylist want's her to do.
8. Pack her a light lunch.
9. Bring her favorite book, toy or electronic device.
10. Enforce discipline.... we don't mind!!

It is really an amazing thing for a little girl to get her hair done.  All that trouble for her to soon emerge from the salon chair feeling like a big girl.   

Hairstyles You Can Do With Individual Box Braids + Chunky Braids + Great Styles For Young Girls

Just about every young Black girl likes individual braids or twists. Because the individuals open up hair-styling to versatile hairstyles which look classy and mature, yet they are very simple to do.  Box Braids, or Chunky Braids are a big hit with younger girls. This is a plus because the Box Braids are a protective style for natural hair and are low maintenance.  Box Braids are great for girls with thick healthy hair.  They don't generally wear well if hair is brittle and damaged. Because of their size, they can cause more harm than good to your natural hair.  

Some of the the coolest hairstyles can be worn with Box Braids....  Buns. This is probably the most popular way to style box braids into a classic up-do. The major advantage of buns is their variability. High buns can be bulky or more compact, loose or tight, simple or with elements of braiding. Ponytails are another simple, but classic style. The ponytail can be swooped up high and wrapped with a beautiful silken scarf or attach a hair flower or some other hair accessory. Twists also look great with Box Braids.  You can twist your ponytail or front section off your forehead, for instance.
If you are in the San Diego area, and would like some Box Braids / Chunky Braids Individuals, 
give Mosci a call at 619.642.9382.

Appropriate Cornrow Hairstyles For Young Girls + Tweens

Hair-styling is an art and the most expressed example of it is being done in CORNROW hairstyles.  Cornrow hairstyles are a traditional hairstyle worn by both Black men and women.   Because of the hairstyle popularity, the hairstyle is being worn all around the world by people in just about every country around the globe.  Celebrities like David Beckham, Alicia Keys, Carmelo Anthony have also worn cornrow styles and have gotten raving accolades from fashion experts.   The great thing about wearing cornrows, is that they last for weeks as long as you tie them up at night and care for them as needed.

Cornrow hairstyles are created by wrapping hair around hair strands close to the scalp.  Stylist are creating some beautiful styles with hair like, straight cornrows, curvy, slanting or circular cornrows, depending on the kind of style the client wants to wear. The cornrow is a very classy and easy hairstyle to wear.

Check out a couple of really cool cornrow hairstyles here that have been created using Marley Braiding Hair.

For really cool cornrows, individual braids/twists or crochet braids give Mosci a call at 619.642.9382 

Men and Cornrows a Creative Expression + How to Keep Your Braids Fresh Looking

In the wake of the creative hair movement, hundreds of beauty shops and stylists begun promoting and braiding men's hair in cornrows.  

Some cornrow styles can take hours to complete while others take only an hour or so.   

Men’s cornrows go back as far as to 2000 B.C when men adorned their hair in braids.  Yeah, 2000 B.C. is cool.  But I can remember as far back as the 1960's when Black men in my hood were sporting cornrows.  Now you see men from various parts of the world wearing cornrows for various purposes – tradition, culture or growing out their hair before changing to dreadlocks and more.

Men, when wearing your cornrows, you need to moisture your hair often.  Do not let it get dry as this will cause hair breakage.  I know, easier said than done.... well, there is a easy way.  Mix some conditioner with a little water in a spray bottle and spray your hair as you see fit each night. You can also put a light weight hair food on your scalp between the hair parts and sleep in a Do-rag to keep your braids looking their very best. 

Men generally are not seeking hair growth. However, it still does your hair good when you take care of it.  Not only will it keep your cornrows looking nice and fresh, it will prevent breakage. 

If you are in the San Diego area, and would like some cornrows, give Mosci a call at 619.642.9382.

Box Braids Do's and Don'ts + Be Fierce With Some Added Color

● DON'T pull your extensions up in ponytails to often. Pulling the hair up puts a lot of tension on your hair, and can cause temporary (alopecia) or permanent hair loss especially around your edges.  When styling your extensions, be careful with that too, as the pulling and tugging manipulation can also lead to hair loss.

● DON'T use sprays on your braids that are non water soluble.  When treating your extensions, your hair  will also get treated with the spray which can dry out your hair and cause breakage.  Consider products that you have used on your natural hair and make your own spray treatment from them.

● DON'T go swimming without a protective cap.  Swimming in chlorine water requires a clarifying shampoo. If you do not properly cleanse your hair, the chemicals will stay trapped in your hair and cause damage.

● DON'T wear your braids for too long.  Knowing your own hair, and how you take care of it is the clarifying time of "not to long" for you.  If you have XL box braids, I would advice not leaving them for more than two months to avoid hair breakage.  Especially around your edges. If you have smaller braids, they should not be left in longer than three months. By three months, your natural hair should be washed thoroughly, conditioned and given some air to breath.   Not many women suffer from hair breakage when they take care of braids the proper way.  However, many do experience hair breakage when leaving the braids in for long periods of time.... longer than three months! If you must have BOX BRAIDS, be sure to do a deep conditioning on your hair, and try to leave your hair undone for at least one day before you reinstall the braids. 

● DO be sure to sleep with a satin scarf on, or on a satin pillow case every night. This not only protects your braids but also avoids your hair from loosing moisture. I personally would not advice using a satin bonnet depending on how many braids you have and how big your bonnet is because trying to get a whole lot of braids in a small bonnet can be an unworthy battle.

● DO moisturize your braids every other night. Or if you believe your braids to be dry.  By moisturizing your braids, this will keep them looking shiny with a nice and neat appearance to them.  Remember, hair need to stay hydrated.  Even extensions that your hair is attached too.

● DO cleanse your scalp by shampooing your hair. Dirty scalp does not aid in hair growth.

● DO be sure to oil your scalp. Dry scalp does not promote hair growth.

● DO enjoy the freedom of not having to comb and style your natural hair daily.  Braids can be fun and easy to wear, with noticeable hair growth.  Be open to trying different hair colors and styles.... be fierce in your individual BOX BRAIDS.  Be sure to be HAIR HEALTHY!!!

Picking The Best Hair for Your Extensions

When it comes to hair extensions, the choices and brands never end.  When selecting your hair, you want a great brand.  The hair you use will determine the quality of your individuals, crochet braids, weave or twists.  Who wants to walk around with a hairstyle that looks like it was done by an inexperienced hairstylist?? I know I don't!!!  

The hair that you buy for individual braids, twists or crochet braids is generally inexpensive, unless you elect to spend more on the hair.  Which I suggest you do. Don't never substitute quality for price.  Pay the few extra dollars to get a quality hairstyle.  Hair that isn’t of the best quality will make it hard to make your hairstyles look great.  Oh yes, you can do it, but it will be a chore every time you do it.  Extensions are meant to make life easier.  Not harder!!

When installing CROCHET BRAIDS, I generally use Janet Collection: HAVANA MAMBO TWIST BRAIDS.  Click here to purchase.

When installing individual braids / twists, I generally use Femi Collection: Marley Braids. Click to purchase hair here.

Get Maximum Wear Out of Your Crochet Braids

If you are trying to decide if you should get CROCHET BRAIDS but you can't seem to understand how you will keep them looking fresh and new.  Worry no more!!

It starts with the foundation for your CROCHET BRAIDS. Be sure to find a cornrow pattern that you like.  After putting in the cornrows, make sure that they are very secure.  Secure braiding will ensure that your hair will not come a part. Bad braiding is the main reason for CROCHET BRAIDS not lasting as long as they should.  After you have secured your cornrows, begin to use your latch hook needle to feed the bulk braiding hair under the cornrow and  pull over through the looped hair. I suggest that you secure the crochet hair with a knot of two.
Now, after installing the CROCHET BRAIDS, you are pretty much ready to live a life free from combing and styling hair for a month or two.  If you choose the curly crochet braids, you won't have to do anything to the hair other than wear it.  When you select a curly pattern, you get more life out of the style.  Generally, looser curls seem to tangle, frizz up and will get knots on the ends.  

To keep your CROCHET BRAIDS looking good, you can use water from a spray bottle to help pull the hair apart. Bigger curls generally stick together during the night.  You can also use some Shea Butter Conditioner mix with a little water in a spray bottle to help keep your natural hair moisturized and hydrated.  Be sure to separate the synthetic hair to expose your scalp and braids to spray the mixture.   
In short, to keep your CROCHET BRAIDS looking fresh while taking care of your hair: Keep the hair tied up at night, keep your hair and scalp nourished underneath,work out tangles and knots as needed with a moisturizer, cut the knotted ends when needed, co-wash as needed, shake and Go!  That's all to it!! 

If you are in San Diego, and would like to try out some CROCHET BRAIDS, please give Mosci a call at 619.642.9382.

The hair used in the post is Janet Collection: HAVANA MAMBO CROCHET BRAIDS click here to purchase.

Cornrows Are The Perfect Everyday Hairstyle For African American Moms + Their Little Girls

Cornrows are the perfect braided hairstyle for little girls and their moms.  Not only are cornrows cute, they save time in the morning, while rescuing mom from the everyday hair struggle.  Let's not leave out the fact that they are great for protecting your child's hair during the cold and hot seasons.   

As women, we all know how important it is to not worry about combing our hair in the morning, having cornrows in your baby girl's hair allows her the same luxury.   Wait, you have no idea how to put in cornrows?? Well, don't worry, there is always a hair salon with a patient stylist waiting to do you daughter's hair.... it's so worth the investment!

No matter who does your daughter's cornrows, make sure that the stylist doesn't put too much stress on the edges of the hair, as this can cause hair breakage.  It is always better to have a healthy head of hair rather than a cute hairstyle that will eventually break your daughter's hair off. 

If you are in the San Diego area and would like to schedule a hair appointment with Mosci, give her a call at 619.642.9382.  She will be glad to style your baby girl's hair. 

Healthy Hair Care is an adopted practice!

Is My Daughter to Young to Wear Extensions in Her Hair + What is the Proper Age For Extensions

I get this question a lot.  "IS MY DAUGHTER TO YOUNG TO GET EXTENSIONS??"

Let me say this in writing! Not me, or anyone else can tell you if your child is to young for extensions. If you feel as a parent the best hair care for your child would be to have individual braids, cornrows or twists in her hair, by all MEANS, have some extensions put in her hair!  Now, if you are talking about a baby or a child that is a toddler, I wouldn't advise it.  But again, it is your child, and you should know what is best for her.

On another note, Black women as a whole will never deny the convenience of forsaking the daily routine of constant manipulation to our hair.  Not to mention how the extensions protect our ends from damage.  Why would you not want this for your daughter's hair? 

However with a child there are more things to consider when deciding to have extensions added to her hair.  One, how thin is her hair?  Two, how fragile is her hair?  The younger the child is, the thinner her hair is. And the older she gets the texture will change, hopefully becoming much thicker. Remember, with most children up until the point of puberty their hair is thinner and fragile and can break and get damaged more easily from the stress of extensions.  Even though this is a hair reality for a lot of children, it is not the reality for all.  I have added extensions in little girls hair as young as two years old, because their hair was thick enough, and healthy enough to handle the extensions.  I have cornrowed little girls hair as young as one year old because their hair was healthy enough to manage the style.  So, again, it would depend on the parent, and the state of the child's hair.

My opinion is, if you don't feel comfortable with having extensions in your baby girl's hair, a great way to get the same look is to braid, cornrow or twist her hair,  just as you would with extensions.  Her hair will still be protected, and the style will promote growth.  When all is said and done, age is just a number.  The appropriate age for extensions is, who really knows???

How to Grow Your 4c and 4b Hair + Protective Style For Fragile Hair

So, you have researched and discovered that you have KINKY 4b/4c hair type, which is very fragile. You have also learned that it is very important that you use good hair products to care for your hair.  Moisturizing is the key to keeping hair healthy.  However, it won't matter how much you moisturize or condition your hair, if you are not handling it right.

Okay, I tell my clients over and over how important it is to wear protective styles - Twists, Cornrows, Braids, Coils, Tuck and Roll Styles - because for those with fragile hair types it’s one of the key areas of length retention.

Make a mental note, write it down, or carry a key chain that says "when you wear protective styles this helps prevent breakage of the hair, matting and tangles."  Not to mention that great moisture retention the styles provide.

Once you have learned which products and protective styles compliment and promote hair growth for your hair, stick with that regimen.  Be smart to notice the difference in how much breakage you experience, the amount of split ends that appears, and eventual growth.

Because of the frailty of 4b/4c hair, you might want to finger-comb your hair instead of using a wide tooth comb or a brush each time you detangle your hair. Finger-combing is more gentle on your hair and you can feel when hair is tangled or snagged.  Yes, it takes a lot more effort with your hair when Finger-combing, however, this method should help to reduce hair breakage even more.

One thing is an absolute when it comes to healthy hair care.  It is a routine of consistency.  You must keep up this routine of low manipulation to see some worth while results.  You can't do this for one week, or even two weeks and see massive results.  Healthy hair care takes months of consistency!!

Hair that is textured like ours grows on the average of 1/2 inches per month.  

Kids Natural Braids and Cornrows. Braids/Extensions  for Men, Women, Cornrows and Sew In Weave, Extensions, Glue bonding, Quick-weave.  Give Mosci a call at 619.642.9382


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