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Hairstyles You Can Do With Individual Box Braids + Chunky Braids + Great Styles For Young Girls

Just about every young Black girl likes individual braids or twists. Because the individuals open up hair-styling to versatile hairstyles which look classy and mature, yet they are very simple to do.  Box Braids, or Chunky Braids are a big hit with younger girls. This is a plus because the Box Braids are a protective style for natural hair and are low maintenance.  Box Braids are great for girls with thick healthy hair.  They don't generally wear well if hair is brittle and damaged. Because of their size, they can cause more harm than good to your natural hair.  

Some of the the coolest hairstyles can be worn with Box Braids....  Buns. This is probably the most popular way to style box braids into a classic up-do. The major advantage of buns is their variability. High buns can be bulky or more compact, loose or tight, simple or with elements of braiding. Ponytails are another simple, but classic style. The ponytail can be swooped up high and wrapped with a beautiful silken scarf or attach a hair flower or some other hair accessory. Twists also look great with Box Braids.  You can twist your ponytail or front section off your forehead, for instance.
If you are in the San Diego area, and would like some Box Braids / Chunky Braids Individuals, 
give Mosci a call at 619.642.9382.


Kids Natural Braids and Cornrows. Braids/Extensions  for Men, Women, Cornrows and Sew In Weave, Extensions, Glue bonding, Quick-weave.  Give Mosci a call at 619.642.9382


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