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5 Things To Consider When Combing a Tender-Headed Child's Hair | Protective Hairstyles Are a Great Thing

Chances are you are reading this post because you have a child that is tender headed.  And combing that child's hair can be a serious challenge.  Dealing with wiggling, crying, whining, and the excuse "I need to use the bathroom" is even more of a headache.  Taking a tender-headed child to a professional stylist is often no better, because of the public display of drama that your child will display.  No worries, there are five simple things that you can do to help make combing your tender-headed child's hair more pleasurable.

1.  Make sure that you have something to keep the child distracted.  Television, a hand-held game, electronic notebook, or coloring book and crayons. 

2. It is very important to use a conditioner after shampooing your child's hair. You can also use detangling spray, hair lotion or hair oil according to your child's hair texture. 

3. Be sure to comb hair in sections. Generally four sections is cool. However, if you find that you need to make more sections to create more comfortable for your child, then do that. Working in sections will make a noted difference when trying to comb your child's hair. 

4. Always, always, always work from the end of the hair towards the scalp. Remembering that the scalp is tender... hold the hair in your hand tighter at the root without pulling it.  Doing this will reduce tugging on the hair and scalp as you comb or brush the hair.  Around the neck and behind the ears are very sensitive, so be extra careful when combing those areas. 

5. After shampooing, conditioning, and making the hair manageable, it would be a great idea to style the child's hair in a protective hairstyle.  This could include cornrows, individual braids, or twists.  These type of hairstyles can stay in for at least two week's at a time.  Just be sure to moisturizer the hair while braided. This will give you, and your child a good two weeks of freedom from the "hair struggle."

Kids Natural Braids and Cornrows. Braids/Extensions  for Men, Women, Cornrows and Sew In Weave, Extensions, Glue bonding, Quick-weave.  Give Mosci a call at 619.642.9382


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