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Signals That Your Individual Braids or Twists Are to Tight

After years of self styling, and styling others hair, here are some very important thing that I've learned during my journey of wearing, and installing extensions to promote healthy hair.

There are some stylist that will style you completely BALD! There are several things that come to mind when I think about installation techniques.

Some stylists are heavy handed, in which they use entirely too much tension on the hair, pulling it away from the scalp when braiding and twisting as if this is going to make the hairstyle more spectacular.  This is a major assault on the hair follicles and can lead to traction alopecia and even permanent hair loss. It is sad to say that this happens more often than I would like to say. 

Here are some signals to let you know that your braids are too tight.

1. If you have a headache after installation. This definitely should not happen. However, it can happen if you are extremely tender-headed.

2.  If you have little bumps or redness around your hair line or general scalp areas causing discomfort, tingling or itching. Those are inflamed or irritated hair follicles.

3. If you notice a nice amount of white bulbs around your hair line or general scalp area, that is being caused by infected hair follicles.

4. If your face and hairline have you looking like you have had plastic surgery because your braids are so tight, this should never, ever happen.  **This is when you call me to book an appointment. **

Kids Natural Braids and Cornrows. Braids/Extensions  for Men, Women, Cornrows and Sew In Weave, Extensions, Glue bonding, Quick-weave.  Give Mosci a call at 619.642.9382


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