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Transitioning From Relaxed Hair to Natural Hair + Two Ways to Do This

There are only two ways you can go from relaxed to natural hair:  Slowly Transition or The Big Chop. Which one you choose is entirely up to you. There is no right way or wrong way to begin this process.  It doesn't matter which way you choose, as long as you get your desired results of a head full of natural hair in the end. 

Transitioning: This is the process of eliminating chemical treatments and allowing the hair to grow out while gradually trimming the chemically processed ends.  Most people generally trim their relaxed ends as their natural hair grows; this also helps to keep breakage of your natural hair down a present a more healthy appearance.

If you are not comfortable with short hair while transitioning your natural hair, you can have some individual braids added to your natural hair.  As long as you keep your scalp moisturized and your hair conditioned, you can avoid that awkward adjustment between short hair while your hair grows to a more comfortable length.

There are some cons to transitioning from relaxed to natural: The texture of your hair will not be consistent: which means if you decide to wear your hair in a twist out or braid out style the root of your hair might be curly while your ends will be bone straight.  There are a couple of things you can do here.  You can add the extensions as I have suggested above, or you can simply roll the ends of your hair with rods or rollers to curl the straight ends.

The process of transitioning takes longer than if you just did “the big chop" so be patient and do what is healthy for your hair, and what you feel comfortable doing. 

If you would like to have some individual braids, faux locs or twists installed while you are going through your transition, be sure to give Mosci a call at 619.642.9382. 

The First Black Female Millionaire Madam C.J. Walker Sold What You Make + Get Busy Producing

If you know anything about history, you know that one of the first Black female millionaires in America was Madam C.J. Walker. Walker became wealthy from creating a line of Black hair care products.  She truly saw something that no one else did during her time.

The truth is, since Walker generated her fortune, Black women have been spending hundreds of millions of dollars on hair care products and hair extensions to the extreme.  With no end to spending in sight. 

It seems as though we have either given, or lost control of the Black hair care industry.  We spend the most money, but own few to no hair care lines or hair supply stores.  Hopefully, people will become more aware of this truth and things will change with Black hair care products.

I brought this up because there are many of you that create and use your own hair products.  Products that truly promote hair growth, and healthy hair.  But for some reason you won't produce it in mass amounts then market and sell it.  Do you know how many Black people need your hair care products?   Get busy producing and marketing those hair care products in mass amounts to sell to an already receptive market. 

If you haven't tried "Mosci" a light weight hair pomade that gives a super shine while promoting healthy hair by Styles With Personality, be sure to contact us for a jar at 619.642.9382.  

Three Tips For A Natural Looking Weave

Okay ladies, let's talk about how to achieve a natural look with a sew in weave.

A BAD WEAVE will be a reality for you, or someone you know at some point in your life.  It goes something like this..... you have a friend, or family member that has in a weave.  And she is wearing it like it is a $2000 hairdo.  But, you can see that something is really wrong with the weave.  It might be that the hair is not blended well, the color or texture is completely wrong, or it just doesn't look good on her.  Of course, you don't want to hurt her feelings so you don't say anything. 

Here are some tips on how to achieve a natural look while wearing a weave:

1) Try to match the hair to YOUR hair and hair color the best you can.  If you do not have BONE STRAIGHT HAIR, please, please don't spend your money on hair that doesn't match yours. You want your weave to look as natural as possible. If you want to go lighter, you can always color your hair to achieve this look by using a temporary or permanent dye. If you’re going to spend your money on hair, be sure to purchase top quality hair, you will more than likely get the look that you are going for.  You buy cheap, you get a cheap look.

2) Blend, Blend and keep Blending the hair together. If you get a full weave and you leave out some of your hair for a more natural look, there are a few ways to style it so that it will blend with the hair weaved in. Be sure to purchase a good curling iron or flat iron. Make sure you curl or flat iron the hair so it blends easier.

3) Take care of your weave the same way you would with your natural hair, and it will last much longer.  Make sure you comb it out before washing it and avoid using alcohol and harsh products that can dry the hair out.  Always condition the hair.  If you don't mind making the investment, go back to the salon to have your stylist wash, condition and style your weave. This way you know it will be done correctly.

Be sure to take care of the hair, it will last longer and look more natural.

10 Tips For Making a Visit to the Salon a Smooth Activity For Your Child + the Beautician

It is a beautiful thing to see your baby girl with some beautiful braids in her hair.  Mothers, do you agree?

Let me share something with you.  There is a world-wide head-ache that sometimes happens when a little girl has to sit down in a beautician's chair to get her hair braided.  Of course, the little girl is never happy to be participating in said ritual. So she lets her displeasure show by whining, moving around and needing to go back and forth to the bathroom. 

MOTHERS!! we are only their beauticians.  We are not their disciplinarians.  With your help to keep your child seated in the chair and holding her head in positions that we need them too, this will speed up the process to get her on her way back to living the life of a child! And us on our way to our next client. 

Ten Ways You Can Help Your Child's Beautician

1. Have a conversation with your child about what to expect when getting her hair braided.
2. Share with her the rules to getting her hair done.
3. Let her know that there should be no crying.
4. Show her videos on Youtube that exhibit what will be done to her hair.
5. Show her a before and after picture of her hair and then ask her which hairstyle she wants.
6. Rehearse with her a hair braiding session so she can get an idea for how she will need to sit.
7. Explain to her how important it is for her to do what the hairstylist want's her to do.
8. Pack her a light lunch.
9. Bring her favorite book, toy or electronic device.
10. Enforce discipline.... we don't mind!!

It is really an amazing thing for a little girl to get her hair done.  All that trouble for her to soon emerge from the salon chair feeling like a big girl.   

Kids Natural Braids and Cornrows. Braids/Extensions  for Men, Women, Cornrows and Sew In Weave, Extensions, Glue bonding, Quick-weave.  Give Mosci a call at 619.642.9382


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